Young India Digi Health Policy (Cashless facility available)

Product Information
  1. Eligibility
    1. For Adults: 18 Yrs – 45 Yrs
    2. For Dependent Child – 91 Days – 25 Yrs
  2. Sum Insured Options – 4 L & 8 L
  3. Type of Cover: Individual or Floater Sum Insured basis.
  4. No Pre-Acceptance Medical Check-up.
  5. Life Long Renewals.
  6. Waiting Period for Pre Existing Diseases is 24 Months, For Specified Diseases the waiting period is 12 Months.
  7. Room Eligibility: Single AC Room
  8. Pre Hospitalization & Post Hospitalization Expenses: 60 Days and 90 Days
  9. Hospital Cash (for a maximum of 5 days) @ INR 500/- day
  10. Cumulative Bonus: 10% of Sum Insured for each claim free year and Maximum of up to 30% of Sum Insured
  11. Reinstatement of Sum Insured is available up to 100% of Sum Insured, for illnesses other than for which the claim is preferred or admitted under the policy.
  12. Treatments towards HIV, Mental Illness and Genetic disorders are also payable under the policy
  13. Dental treatment due to disease or injury is also covered
  14. Advance treatments such as Robotic surgeries, Balloon Sinuplasty, Oral chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Intra vitreal injections, Stem cell therapy etc.. are covered.
  15. Medical Second Opinion for Critical Illnesses up to INR 5,000/- is payable
  16. Road Ambulance Charges are Payable up to INR 5,000/-
  17. Health Checkup Expenses are reimbursable up to INR 3,500/- for a block of 2 claim free years.
  18. Expense incurred for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy system of medicines are covered 100% of Sum insured.
  19. New Born Baby Coverage is available.
  20. Floater Discount
    Discount on number of members2 members3 members4 members & above
  21. Loadings & Discounts are applicable based on the Following Health Parameters
BMI (<32) – 2.5% DiscountBMI (>32) – 2.5% Loading
Non- Diabetic (Hb1Ac <6.4) – 2.5% DiscountDiabetic (Hb1Ac >6.4) – 2.5%
Non-Hypertensive – (<=120/80) - 2.5% Discount; (>120/80) to (<139/89)– NilHypertensive (>139/89)– 2.5% loading
No Hospitalization for the last 3 years at the time of taking the policy – 2.5%
  1. Loyalty Discount: If the Insured is having any Retail Policy of The New India Assurance with a premium greater than INR 5000/- (excluding GST), then a discount of 2.5% shall be given.
  2. Premium Chart

Zone Wise Premium is Applicable

    1. Zone 1: Delhi, National Capital Region (NCR), Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban, Thane and Navi Mumbai, Surat, Ahmedabad and Vadodara
    2. Zone 2: Rest of India


    • Insured Person opting for Zone I can avail treatment anywhere in India and No Co-pay shall be applicable.
    • In case the Insured Person opting Zone II takes treatment in Zone I, Co-pay of 10% shall be applicable on admissible claim.
    • Co-Pay shall not be applicable for immediate hospitalization arising out of Accident

Premium Table (Excluding GST)

Zone 1: Delhi, National Capital Region (NCR), Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban, Thane and Navi Mumbai, Surat, Ahmedabad and Vadodara
Zone 2: Rest of India

Annual Premium - Zone -1

Annual Premium – Zone 2

Age Band/Sum Insured4L8LAge Band/Sum Insured4L8L
66 & above28,54237,52066 & above23,35230,698
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