Dog Insurance

Dog Insurance

Dog Insurance

Rural Insurance Policy

Scope of Cover:-Dogs are insured against death due to accident and/or diseases contracted during the period of insurance subject to usual terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy

Age Group: -8 weeks to 8 years

Breed: -indigenous origin, cross-bred ,Exotic

Sum Insured:-Rs.25,000/-

Identification and Valuation:-

  1. Valuation by qualified Veterinary Doctor is required at the time of proposing the Insurance.
  2. Fitness Certificate of Dog by the Veterinary Doctor (prior to 30 days of insurance start date).
  3. Fitness Certificate must include following details :-
    1. Age of the Dog
    2. Gender
    3. Breed
    4. Normal identification marks
    5. Identification by following method
      1. Tattooing
      2. Nose print
      3. Photographs
    6. Pedigree record
    7. Kennel Club record
  4. Municipal corporation certificate (prior to 1 year of insurance start date).

Extension of Policy:-The policy may be extended by payment of extra premium. The details are given below:-

Section Name
Death by Accidental Poisoning
Lost or stolen dogs (Including Burglary or house breaking)

Third party liability for personal injury and damage to property (including animals, poultry) Maximum up to


Note:-Liability to members of the Insured’s Family or employees is excluded

Policy Exclusions:-

    A. Common exclusions:-

  1. Malicious or willful injury or neglect, unskillful treatment or use of animal.
  2. Intentional slaughter of the animal.
  3. Theft and clandestine sale of the insured animal.
  4. War and allied perils
  5. Any accident, loss, destruction, damage or legal liability directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapons.
  6. Consequential loss of whatsoever nature.
  7. Transport by air and sea.
  8. Diseases contracted prior to and within 15 days of commencement of risk.
  9. B. Specific exclusions:-

  10. Death due to disease such as Distemper, Rabies, Viral Hepatitis, Leptospirosis,Viral enteritis .These diseases can be covered if the dog have been successfully vaccinated and a Veterinary Certificate to that effect is produced.
  11. Transport, Show risk, Breeding and whelping risk, third party personal injury ( These risk can be covered at the an additional premium ,please contact our nearest operating office).
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